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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Restatement of the law third, torts, liability for economic harm : as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at Washington, D.C., May 21, 2012; May 20, 2014; and May 21, 2018 미리보기
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[Ward Farnsworth] ; American Law Institute American Law Institute Publishers 2020
2 단행본 America's election system : the cornerstone of our democracy 미리보기
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Markus Frost, editor Snova 2020
3 단행본 Regulating blockchain : Critical perspectives in law and technology 미리보기
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Robert Herian Routledge 2019
4 단행본 Regulating blockchain : techno-social and legal challenges 미리보기
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edited by Philipp Hacker, Ioannis Lianos, Georgios Dimitropoulos, Stefan Eich Oxford University Press 2019
5 단행본 The Cambridge handbook of law and regulation of the sharing economy 미리보기
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Edited by Nestor Davidson, Fordham Law School (New York), John Infranca, Suffolk University School of Law (Massachusetts), Michèle Finck, London Sc Cambridge University Press 2018
6 단행본 The international sale of goods 미리보기
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M. G. Bridge, FBA, Professor of Law, National University of Singapore, Emeritus Professor of Law, London School of Economics Oxford University Press 2017
7 단행본 Principles of European Union law : including BREXIT 미리보기
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Ralph H. Folsom, Professor of Law, University of San Diego, A. B. Princeton University, J. D. Yale Law School, LLM London School of Economics West Academic Publishing 2017
8 단행본 The sharing economy : the end of employment and the rise of crowd-based capitalism 미리보기
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Arun Sundararajan The MIT Press 2016
9 단행본 The fourth industrial revolution 미리보기
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Klaus Schwab Crown Business 2016
10 단행본 The industries of the future 미리보기
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Alec Ross Simon & Schuster 2016
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