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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 단행본 The definition of subsidy and state aid:WTO and EC law in comparative perspective 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Luca Rubini Oxford University Press 2009
32 단행본 Water law, poverty, and development:water sector reforms in India 미리보기
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by Philippe Cullet Oxford University Press 2009 URL
33 단행본 Treaty interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body 미리보기
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Isabelle Van Damme Oxford University Press 2009
34 단행본 Antitrust economics 미리보기
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Roger D. Blair, David L. Kaserman Oxford University Press 2009
35 단행본 Evidence, proof, and fact-finding in WTO dispute settlement 미리보기
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Michelle T. Grando Oxford University Press 2009
36 단행본 Trade and the environment:fundamental issues in international law, WTO law, and legal theory 미리보기
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Erich Vranes Oxford University Press 2009
37 단행본 The business of intellectual property 미리보기
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Christopher M. Arena, Eduardo M. Carreras Oxford University Press 2008
38 단행본 The development agenda: global intellectual property and developing countries 미리보기
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edited by Neil Weinstock Netanel Oxford University Press 2008
39 단행본 International economic law 미리보기
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Andreas F. Lowenfeld Oxford University Press 2008
40 단행본 How the Chicago School overshot the mark:the effect of conservative economic analysis on U.S. antitrust 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Robert Pitofsky Oxford University Press 2008
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