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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
53건 중 53건 출력
1/6 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
연간물 삭제
연간물 삭제
1986 삭제


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1 연속간행물 대한내분비학회지=Journal of Korean Society of Endocrinology 미리보기
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대한내분비학회 [편] 대한내분비학회 1986-2010
2 연속간행물 한국생물공학회지=Korean journal of biotechnology and bioengineering 미리보기
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한국생물공학회 [편] 한국생물공학회 1986-2008
3 연속간행물 대한혈액학회지=Korean Journal of Hematology 미리보기
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대한혈액학회 [편] 대한혈액학회 1986-2004
4 연속간행물 News in physiological sciences:an international journal of physiology produced jointly by the International Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society 미리보기
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International Union of Physiological Sciences American Physiological Society (1887- ) The Union and the Society 1986-2004
5 연속간행물 法學論集=Chong-Ju journal of legal studies 미리보기
전체 열기 | 중앙도서관 열기 | 법학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
淸州大學校 法學硏究所 [編] 淸州大學校 法學硏究所 1986-2003
6 연속간행물 Journal of industrial microbiology. 미리보기
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Society for Industrial Microbiology (U.S.) Published by Elsevier Science Publishers on behalf of the Society for Industrial Microbiology 1986-1996
7 연속간행물 食品衛生學會誌=The Korean journal food hygiene 미리보기
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한국식품위생학회 한국식품위생학회 1986-1993 URL
8 연속간행물 Journal of internatuonal economic integration 미리보기
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Institute for international economics King Sejong University Institute for international economics King Sejong University 1986-1992
9 연속간행물 Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 미리보기
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Korea Orthopaedic Association The Korea Orthopaedic Association 1986-1991
10 연속간행물 電子工學會論文誌 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
大韓電子工學會 [편] 大韓電子工學會 1986-1990
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