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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Contingent claims valuation when the payoff depends on the price level: an index-linked bond approach 미리보기
Dillen, H. Pergamon Press 1992
2 저널기사 Two methods for valuing convertible bonds - a comparison 미리보기
Soerensson, T. Pergamon Press 1992
3 저널기사 Pricing currency options in target zone regime: some consequences of state-dependent realignment 미리보기
Berglund, T.;Ringbom, S. Pergamon Press 1992
4 저널기사 An empirical study of the term structure of interest rates 미리보기
Miltersen, K. R. Pergamon Press 1992
5 저널기사 The ex ante profitability of index arbitrage in the new Finnish markets 미리보기
Puttonen, V. Pergamon Press 1992
6 저널기사 Bond returns and financial index numbers: results from an intertemporal arbitrage free model 미리보기
Jensen, B. A.;Nielsen, J. A. Pergamon Press 1992
7 저널기사 Valuation of a multistate life insurance contract with random benefits 미리보기
Persson, S.-A. Pergamon Press 1992
8 저널기사 Closed-form approximation of American options 미리보기
Bjerksund, P.;Stensland, G. Pergamon Press 1992
9 저널기사 Options with stochastic lives 미리보기
Jennergren, L. P.;Naeslund, B. Pergamon Press 1992
10 저널기사 Continuous trading in an exchange economy under discontinuous dynamics: a resolution of the equity premium puzzle 미리보기
Aase, K. K. Pergamon Press 1992
