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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Uncovered interest parity: it works, but not for long 미리보기
Chaboud, A. P.; Wright, J. H. North-Holland 2005
12 저널기사 Trade and inequality in developing countries: a general equilibrium analysis 미리보기
Zhu, S. C.; Trefler, D. North-Holland 2005
13 저널기사 Market integration and convergence to the Law of One Price: evidence from the European car market 미리보기
Goldberg, P. K.; Verboven, F. North-Holland 2005
14 저널기사 Trade raises income: a precise and robust result 미리보기
Noguer, M.; Siscart, M. North-Holland 2005
15 저널기사 Sovereign debt as a contingent claim: a quantitative approach 미리보기
Alfaro, L.; Kanczuk, F. North-Holland 2005
16 저널기사 The effect of trade liberalization on child labor 미리보기
Edmonds, E. V.; Pavcnik, N. North-Holland 2005
17 저널기사 Explaining the exchange rate pass-through in different prices 미리보기
Choudhri, E. U.; Faruqee, H.; Hakura, D. S. North-Holland 2005
18 저널기사 Labor demand and trade reform in Latin America 미리보기
Fajnzylber, P.; Maloney, W. F. North-Holland 2005
19 저널기사 The determinants of cross-border equity flows 미리보기
Portes, R.; Rey, H. l. North-Holland 2005
20 저널기사 Exchange rates and fundamentals: evidence on the economic value of predictability 미리보기
Abhyankar, A.; Sarno, L.; Valente, G. North-Holland 2005
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