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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
491 저널기사 Does Financial Constraint Affect the Relation between Shareholder Taxes and the Cost of Equity Capital? 미리보기
Dai, Z.; Shackelford, D.A.; Zhang, H.H.; Chen, C. American Accounting Association. 2013
492 저널기사 Financial Reporting Quality of U.S. Private and Public Firms 미리보기
Hope, O.-K.; Thomas, W.B.; Vyas, D. American Accounting Association. 2013
493 저널기사 Revealing Future Prospects without Forecasts: The Case of Accelerating Material Contract Filings 미리보기
Li, E.X. American Accounting Association. 2013
494 저널기사 Tax-Motivated Loss Shifting 미리보기
Erickson, M.M.; Heitzman, S.M.; Zhang, X.F. American Accounting Association. 2013
495 저널기사 The Effects of Reward Type on Employee Goal Setting, Goal Commitment, and Performance 미리보기
Presslee, A.; Vance, T.W.; Webb, R.A. American Accounting Association. 2013
496 저널기사 The Integration of Women and Minorities into the Auditing Profession since the Civil Rights Period 미리보기
Madsen, P.E. American Accounting Association. 2013
497 저널기사 The Role of Analysts in Intra-Industry Information Transfer 미리보기
Hilary, G.; Shen, R. American Accounting Association. 2013
498 저널기사 How Does an Initial Expectation Bias Influence Auditors' Application and Performance of Analytical Procedures? 미리보기
Pike, B.J.; Curtis, M.B.; Chui, L. American Accounting Association. 2013
499 저널기사 Mahmoud Ezzamel Accounting and Order 미리보기
Basu, S. American Accounting Association. 2013
500 저널기사 Can Managers Use Discretionary Accruals to Ease Financial Constraints? Evidence from Discretionary Accruals Prior to Investment 미리보기
Linck, J.S.; Netter, J.; Shu, T. American Accounting Association. 2013
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
