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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Transfer costs, spatial arbitrage, and testing for food 미리보기
Baulch, Bob American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
42 저널기사 Forecasting retail prices under current conditions 미리보기
Clauson, Annette L American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
43 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Beghin, John C American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
44 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Bessler, David A American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
45 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Kahl, Kandice H American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
46 저널기사 Water conservation policy analysis: An interregional 미리보기
Schaible, Glenn American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
47 저널기사 Spatial and temporal specialization in forest ecosystem 미리보기
Swallow, Stephen K American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
48 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Ricker, Harold S American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
49 저널기사 Income and food consumption: A variety of answers: Discussion 미리보기
Kinsey, Jean D American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
50 저널기사 A randomized response aprroach to dichotomous choice 미리보기
Berrens, Robert P American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
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