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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Investigation of cointegration and causal linkages on Bitcoin volatility during COVID-19 pandemic 미리보기
Tiffani ; Ingrid Claudia Calvilus ; Shinta Amalina Hazrati Havidz The Society 2023
12 저널기사 COVID-19 and negative oil prices – an empirical analysis comparing importing and exporting countries 미리보기
Muhammad Umar ; Joaquim António Martins Ferrão ; Mário Nuno Mata The Society 2023
13 저널기사 Macroeconomic uncertainty and stock price crash risk: the moderating roles of operating performance and investor sentiment 미리보기
Pei Yin Wong ; Yee Peng Chow The Society 2023
14 저널기사 Institutional and geopolitical aspects of bond spreads impacts on corporate capital structure in emerging markets 미리보기
Sylvia Gottschalk ; Bertrand Ndang The Society 2023
15 저널기사 The business cycle in Ecuador: an analysis of stylised facts before and after dollarisation 미리보기
Mercy Orellana ; Rodrigo Mendieta ; Santiago Pozo Rodríguez ; Sofía Vanegas; Joselin Segovia The Society 2023
16 저널기사 Is there a relation between stock markets and climate change? 미리보기
Myeong Hwan Kim ; Yongseung Han The Society 2023
17 저널기사 Declining trade interest in Indian commodity derivatives: a survey-based study on cardamom futures contract 미리보기
A.N. Vijayakumar The Society 2023
18 저널기사 Protesting for autocracy: economic vulnerability and anti-democratic protest attendance in Tunisia 미리보기
Konstantin Ash Frank Cass 2023
19 저널기사 Economic inequality, distributive unfairness, and regime support in East Asia 미리보기
Xian Huang & Cai Zuo Frank Cass 2023
20 저널기사 Introduction to the Symposium on Teaching Economics: Innovations in Times of Uncertainty 미리보기
Cynthia Bansak ; Julie K. Smith Eastern Economic Association 2023
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