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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 佐野ゼミ(東京情報大学)の活動と研究紹介 미리보기
佐野 夏樹 Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2023
12 저널기사 講演概要 第130回クオリティトーク カイゼンと問題解決の本質と実践 : なぜ職場で問題解決が進まないのか 미리보기
古谷 健夫 Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2023
13 저널기사 一般社団法人 日本品質管理学会 第52回年次大会 미리보기
佃 康司 Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2023
14 저널기사 Exploring the Suitability of Arbitration for Settling ESG and Human Rights Disputes 미리보기
Gauthier Vannieuwenhuyse Kluwer Law International 2023
15 저널기사 Dealing with Accusations of Illegality in International Arbitration: Dutch Perspectives on the Interaction Between Private Law and Criminal Law Standards 미리보기
Bas van Zelst Kluwer Law International 2023
16 저널기사 The Complex and Evolving Legal Status of Ad Hoc Arbitration in China 미리보기
Panfeng Fu Kluwer Law International 2023
17 저널기사 The Distinctive Aspects of Institutional Arbitration Under Egyptian Law 미리보기
Sherif Elatafy Kluwer Law International 2023
18 저널기사 Book Review: Law, Practice and Procedure of Arbitration in India (2021), Sundra Rajoo. Thomson Reuters. 1st ed. Thomson Reuters South Asia Private Limited. Gurgaon. India. 2021 미리보기
Shanelle Irani ; Vamika Puri Kluwer Law International 2023
19 저널기사 Contractual Arbitration Clauses and Non-Contractual Claims 미리보기
Klaus Peter Berger Kluwer Law International 2023
20 저널기사 What Place Does an Umbrella Clause Have in the New Generation of Bilateral Investment Treaties? 미리보기
Lee Carroll Kluwer Law International 2023
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