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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Examining consumer reactions to sincere brands’ gratitude expressions: when a simple thank you just won’t do 미리보기
Veronica Thomas ; Dora Bock & Heath McCullough World advertising research center 2023
82 저널기사 When influencers promote unhealthy products and behaviours: the role of ad disclosures in YouTube eating shows 미리보기
Soontae An & Sieun Ha World advertising research center 2023
83 저널기사 The mind of the beholder: congruence effects in luxury product placements 미리보기
Patricia Rossi ; Felipe Pantoja ; Sukki Yoon & Kacy Kim World advertising research center 2023
84 저널기사 Audit and benchmarking of supermarket catalog composition in five countries 미리보기
Pei Jie Tan ; Arry Tanusondjaja ; Armando Corsi ; Larry Lockshin ; Christopher Villani & Svetlana Bogomolova World advertising research center 2023
85 저널기사 Perspectives: race and advertising: conceptualizing a way forward through aesthetics 미리보기
Kevin D. Thomas ; Guillaume D. Johnson & Sonya A. Grier World advertising research center 2023
86 저널기사 Words Matter: The Role of Readability, Tone, and Deception Cues in Online Credit Markets 미리보기
Qiang Gao ; Mingfeng Lin ; Richard Sias University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2023
87 저널기사 Do Natural Disaster Experiences Limit Stock Market Participation? 미리보기
Sreedhar T. Bharath ; DuckKi Cho University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2023
88 저널기사 Political Uncertainty and Firm Investment: Project-Level Evidence from M&A Activity 미리보기
Zhenhua Chen ; Mehmet Cihan ; Candace E. Jens ; T. Beau Page University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2023
89 저널기사 Market Development, Information Diffusion, and the Global Anomaly Puzzle 미리보기
Charlie X. Cai ; Kevin Keasey ; Peng Li ; Qi Zhang University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2023
90 저널기사 Litigation Risk Management Through Corporate Payout Policy 미리보기
Matteo P. Arena ; Brandon Julio University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2023
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