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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
306건 중 306건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 On Market Equilibrium Analysis 미리보기
Chavas, J.-P American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
52 저널기사 The Role of Safety Nets during the Process of Economic Growth: Discussion 미리보기
Jayne, T. S American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
53 저널기사 Just Our Size Videos/Tractors, Combines and Things on the Grow; Tractors, Cotton-Pickers and the Stuff Kids Wear 미리보기
Ellerbrock, M American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
54 저널기사 Krueger, A.O., ed./The Political Economy of American Trade Policy 미리보기
Beghin, J. C American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
55 저널기사 A Spatial Analysis of Maize Marketing Policy Reforms in Zambia 미리보기
Mwanaumo, A American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
56 저널기사 Dynamics of Beef Cow Herd Size: An Inventory Approach 미리보기
Schmitz, J. D American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
57 저널기사 A Microeconomic Analysis of Consumer Taste Determination and Taste Change for Beef 미리보기
Gao, X. M American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
58 저널기사 Female Labor Force Participation: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Families 미리보기
Caiumi, A American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
59 저널기사 From Subsistence to Commercial Production Systems: The Transformation ofAsian Agriculture 미리보기
Pingali, P. L American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
60 저널기사 Assessing the Role of Public Research and Extension Policies in Promoting Improved Performance of the Agro-Food Marketing System 미리보기
Hamm, L. G American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
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