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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
306건 중 306건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Potential Effects of Information Technologies on the Economic Performance of Agricultural and Food Markets 미리보기
Thompson, S American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
62 저널기사 Public Works as an Anti-Poverty Program: An Overview of Cross-Country Experience 미리보기
Subbarao, K American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
63 저널기사 The Role of Husbands and Wives in Farm Technology Choice 미리보기
Zepeda, L American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
64 저널기사 Can Developing Countries Afford the New Food System: A Case Study of Chinese Agricultural Sector 미리보기
Koo, W. W American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
65 저널기사 Liberalization and Rural Market Integration in China 미리보기
Rozelle, S American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
66 저널기사 Rethinking the Role of Government in Agri-Food Markets 미리보기
Caswell, J. A American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
67 저널기사 Will Foreign Capital Build Food Systems in Developing Countries? 미리보기
Barkema, A American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
68 저널기사 Campbell, John R./Reclaiming a Lost Heritage: Land Grant and Other Higher Education Initiatives for the Twenty-first Century 미리보기
Uchtmann, D American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
69 저널기사 A Randomized Response Approach to Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation 미리보기
Berrens, R. P American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
70 저널기사 Structural Change, Capital Investment, and Productivity in the Food Processing Industry 미리보기
Morrison, C American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
