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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
57건 중 57건 출력
4/6 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Inventories and customer service in Polish manufacturing companies 미리보기
Kisperska-Moron, D. Elsevier Science 1994
32 저널기사 Grain stocking and storing in Benue State: An appraisal of the Federal Government of Nigeria's food grain storage policy 미리보기
Umeh, J. C.;Agunwamba, C. C.;Agada, O. A. D. Elsevier Science 1994
33 저널기사 Does the time shape of inventory data hold clues on inventory behaviour 미리보기
Reinhardt, P.;Beyer, D. Elsevier Science 1994
34 저널기사 EOQ formula when inventory cost is fuzzy 미리보기
Vujosevic, M.;Petrovic, D.;Petrovic, R. Elsevier Science 1994
35 저널기사 Stochastic properties of a production-inventory process with planned production using transform methodology 미리보기
Grubbstroem, R. W. Elsevier Science 1994
36 저널기사 An MCDM framework for dynamic systems 미리보기
Agrell, P. J.;Wikner, J. Elsevier Science 1994
37 저널기사 Inventory trigger control policies developed in terms of control theory 미리보기
Grubbstroem, R. W.;Wikner, J. Elsevier Science 1994
38 저널기사 Inventory forecasting with a multiple criteria decision tool 미리보기
Korpela, D.;Tuominen, M. Elsevier Science 1994
39 저널기사 Positioning inventory in distribution systems 미리보기
Whybark, D. C.;Yang, S. Elsevier Science 1994
40 저널기사 Information systems design requirements for inventory management: A conceptual approach 미리보기
Manthou, V.;Notopoulos, P.;Vlachopoulou, M. Elsevier Science 1994
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