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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
184건 중 184건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Environmental consciousness and moral hazard in 미리보기
Petrakis, Emmanuel North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
52 저널기사 The provision of local public goods and factors in the 미리보기
Richter, Wolfram F North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
53 저널기사 The role of social security in an economy with asymmetric information and financial intermediaries 미리보기
Reichlin, Pietro North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
54 저널기사 Generalized Samuelson conditions and welfare theorems for nonsmooth economies 미리보기
Conley, John P North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
55 저널기사 A prisoner's dilemma model of collusion deterrence 미리보기
Kofman, Fred North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
56 저널기사 Dynamic income taxation, redistribution, and the ratchet effect 미리보기
Dillen, Mats North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
57 저널기사 Charitable contributions and intergenerational transfers 미리보기
Auten, Gerald North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
58 저널기사 Regulation of multinational firms with two active governments: A common 미리보기
Bond, Eric W North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
59 저널기사 Should a carbon tax be differentiated across sectors? 미리보기
Hoel, Michael North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
60 저널기사 Competition and regulation in the taxi industry 미리보기
Cairns, Robert D North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
