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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Crop insurance, moral hazard, and agricultural chemical use 미리보기
Smith, Vincent H American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
42 저널기사 Intrahousehold resource allocation in an uncertain environment 미리보기
Doss, Cheryl R American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
43 저널기사 Cooperative Game Theory and the Measurement of Political Power 미리보기
Bullock, D. S. unknown 1996
44 저널기사 Evaluating extension and research programs 미리보기
O'Brien, Daniel American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
45 저널기사 Price analysis in cattle markets 미리보기
Miller, Edward American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
46 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Gates, John M American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
47 저널기사 Contingent valuation of natural resources 미리보기
Halstead, John American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
48 저널기사 Export promotion, the environment, and international trade 미리보기
Lindsey, Patricia American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
49 저널기사 International grains markets policies 미리보기
Young, Linda American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
50 저널기사 Transitions in Rural Financial Markets: Visions of Future Bank Structure: Discussion 미리보기
Lovonian, M. E. unknown 1996
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