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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Kolmogorov Sinai Entropy, Lyapunov Exponents, and Mean Free Time in Billiard Systems 미리보기
Garrido, P. L. Plenum Press 1997
42 저널기사 Majority-Vote Cellular Automata, Ising Dynamics, and P-Completeness 미리보기
Moore, C. Plenum Press 1997
43 저널기사 Quasi-Bound States of Two Magnons in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain 미리보기
Morita, Y. Kohmoto, M. Koma, T. Plenum Press 1997
44 저널기사 The Convergence of Cluster Expansion for Continuous Systems with Many-Body Interaction 미리보기
Shchepan'uk, G. V. Rebenko, A. L. Plenum Press 1997
45 저널기사 Ernst Ising - Physicist and Teacher 미리보기
Kobe, S. Plenum Press 1997
46 저널기사 Langevin and Master Equation in Quantum Mechanics 미리보기
Oppenheim, I. Van Kampen, N. G. Plenum Press 1997
47 저널기사 Effect of Local Field Fluctuations on Orientational Ordering in Random-Site Dipole Systems 미리보기
Vugmeister, B. E. Rabitz, H. Plenum Press 1997
48 저널기사 Comment on: Ising Models on Hyperbolic Graphs 미리보기
Monroe, J. L. Plenum Press 1997
49 저널기사 Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov 미리보기
Stanley, H. E. Plenum Press 1997
50 저널기사 The Langevin Equation with Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering 미리보기
Oppenheim, I. Plenum Press 1997
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