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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Policies for Green Design 미리보기
Fullerton, D. ACADEMIC PR 1998
92 저널기사 Information Asymmetries, Uncertainties, and Cleanup Delays at Superfund Sites 미리보기
Rausser, G. C. ACADEMIC PR 1998
93 저널기사 Community Pressure and Clean Technology in the Informal Sector: An Econometric Analysis of the Adoption of Propane by Traditional Mexican Brickmakers 미리보기
Blackman, A. ACADEMIC PR 1998
94 저널기사 Sequencing and Valuing Public Goods 미리보기
Carson, R. ACADEMIC PR 1998
95 저널기사 Risk Premiums for Enviromental Liability: Does Superfund Increase the Cost of Capital? 미리보기
Gather, S. ACADEMIC PR 1998
96 저널기사 When the Truth Hurts: Endangered Species Policy on Private Land with Imperfect Information 미리보기
Polasky, S. ACADEMIC PR 1998
97 저널기사 Conditional Dominance, Rationalizability, and Game Forms 미리보기
Shimoji, M. ACADEMIC PR 1998
98 저널기사 Are Two a Good Representative for Many? 미리보기
Kerschbamer, R. ACADEMIC PR 1998
99 저널기사 Constant Risk Aversion 미리보기
Safra, Z. ACADEMIC PR 1998
100 저널기사 Strategic Information Gathering before a Contract Is Offered 미리보기
Cremer, J. ACADEMIC PR 1998
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