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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
491 저널기사 Learning About Learning on Microfinance North and South 미리보기
Roche, C. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1998
492 저널기사 Thyroid hormone effects on androgen receptor messenger RNA expression inrat Sertoli and peritubular cells 미리보기
Arambepola, N. K Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1998
493 저널기사 Microstructure of Vinylidene Chloride-Ethyl Acrylate Copolymers by One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy 미리보기
Brar, A. S Wiley 1998
494 저널기사 Follistatin has a biphasic response but follicle-stimulating hormone is unchanged during an inflammatory episode in growing lambs 미리보기
Phillips, D. J Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1998
495 저널기사 Effects of cortisol on the expression of interleukin-6 and interleukin-1�in human osteoblast-like cells 미리보기
Swolin-Eide, D Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1998
496 저널기사 Characterisation of the biological effects of neurohypophysial peptides on seminiferous tubules 미리보기
Harris, G. C Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1998
497 저널기사 Crystallization and Melting Behavior of iPP Studied by DSC 미리보기
Bogoeva-Gaceva, G Wiley 1998
498 저널기사 Ontogeny of growth hormone receptor gene expression in tissue of growth-selected strains of broiler chickens 미리보기
Mao, J. N. C Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1998
499 저널기사 Effects of peripheral sympathetic denervation induced by guanethidine administration on the mechanisms regulating puberty in the female guinea pig 미리보기
Riboni, L Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1998
500 저널기사 Blends of Aliphatic Polyesters. II. Hydrolysis of Solution-Cast Blends from Poly(L-lactide) and Poly(curly epsilon-caprolactone) in Phosphate-Buffered Solution 미리보기
Tsuji, H Wiley 1998
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