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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 The premium in black foreign exchange markets: Evidence from developing economies 미리보기
Shachmurove, Yochanan North-Holland 1999
62 저널기사 Are subsidies to be blamed? A reexamination of U.S. countervailing duty on hog imports from Canada 미리보기
Carter, Colin North-Holland 1999
63 저널기사 Revisiting the cost of protectionism: The role of tax distortions in the labor market 미리보기
Williams III, Roberton C North-Holland 1999
64 저널기사 Are weak patent rights a barrier to U.S. exports? 미리보기
Smith, Pamela J North-Holland 1999
65 저널기사 Employment responses to international liberalization in Chile 미리보기
Levinsohn, James North-Holland 1999
66 저널기사 Revisiting the cost of protectionism: The role of tax distortions in the labor market 미리보기
Williams III, Roberton C North-Holland 1999
67 저널기사 Lobbying and international cooperation in tariff setting 미리보기
Levy, Philip I North-Holland 1999
68 저널기사 Employment responses to international liberalization in Chile 미리보기
Levinsohn, James North-Holland 1999
69 저널기사 Relative labor productivity and the real exchange rate in the long run: Evidence for a panel of 미리보기
Canzoneri, Matthew B North-Holland 1999
70 저널기사 Exceptional exporter performance: Cause, effect, or both? 미리보기
Bernard, Andrew B North-Holland 1999
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