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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Bladder Function - Role of Hypercalciuria in Subgroup of Dysfunctional Voiding Syndromes of Childhood/ 미리보기
Parekh, D J American Urological Association Inc 2000
52 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Case Reports - Chyluria After Radical Nephrectomy Treated With N-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate/ 미리보기
Tuck, J American Urological Association Inc 2000
53 저널기사 Exstrophy/Congenital Anomalies - Modified Cantwell-Ransley Repair for Exstrophy and Epispadias: 10-Year Experience/ 미리보기
Surer, I American Urological Association Inc 2000
54 저널기사 Exstrophy/Congenital Anomalies - How Well do Patients With Exstrophy Actually Void?/ 미리보기
Yerkes, E B American Urological Association Inc 2000
55 저널기사 Stones/Ureteroceles - Long-Term Followup of Endoscopic Incision of Ureteroceles: Intravesical Versus Extravesical/ 미리보기
Cooper, C S American Urological Association Inc 2000
56 저널기사 Kidney Obstruction - Lessons Learned From Laser Tissue Soldering and Fibrin Glue Pyeloplasty in In Vivo Porcine Model/ 미리보기
Barrieras, D American Urological Association Inc 2000
57 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Original Articles - Natural History of Small Renal Masses/ 미리보기
Rendon, R A American Urological Association Inc 2000
58 저널기사 PEDIATRIC UROLOGY - Editorial: Cellular Factors and Obstructed Bladder/ 미리보기
Cheng, E Y American Urological Association Inc 2000
59 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Case Reports - Adenocarcinoma of Rete Testis/ 미리보기
Spataro, V American Urological Association Inc 2000
60 저널기사 CLINICAL UROLOGY - Special Communication - Editorial: Changing Times/ 미리보기
Resnick, M I American Urological Association Inc 2000
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