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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Wiley]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Thermosetting Polymers from Cationic Copolymerization of Tung Oil: Synthesis and Characterization/ 미리보기
Li, F Wiley 2000
42 저널기사 Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study of the Hydrophobic Hydration of the Elastin-Based Polypentapeptide, Poly(VPGVG), from Deficiency to Excess of Water/ 미리보기
Rodr�uez-Cabello, J C John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 2000
43 저널기사 EDITORIAL - In This Issue/ 미리보기
Boyce, Bert R for the Society by John Wiley & Sons] 2000
44 저널기사 BOOK REVIEWS - Information Visualization: Perception for Design/ 미리보기
Ware, Colin for the Society by John Wiley & Sons] 2000
45 저널기사 Seeded Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene: Incorporation of Acrylic Acid in Latex Products/ 미리보기
Slawinski, M Wiley 2000
46 저널기사 Effect of Inclusions and Blending on the Mechanical Performance of Recycled Multilayer PP/PET/SiOx Films/ 미리보기
Wyser, Y Wiley 2000
for the Society by John Wiley & Sons] 2000
48 저널기사 Standard and Poor's Depository Receipts and the Performance of the S&P 500 Index Futures Market/ 미리보기
Switzer, Lorne N Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia Univ 2000
49 저널기사 Futures Hedging when the Structure of the Underlying Asset Changes: The Case of the BIFFEX Contract/ 미리보기
Kavussanos, Manolis G Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia Univ 2000
50 저널기사 Sorption and Diffusion of Acrylonitrile Monomer Through Crosslinked Nitrile Rubber/ 미리보기
Aprem, A S Wiley 2000
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