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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
491 저널기사 The C-terminal nuclear localization signal of the sex-determining region Y (SRY) high mobility group domain mediates nuclear import through importin beta1 미리보기
Forwood, J. K.; Harley, V.; Jans, D. A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
492 저널기사 Tyrosine residues in phospholipase Cgamma2 essential for the enzyme function in B-cell signaling 미리보기
Rodriguez, R.; Matsuda, M.; Perisic, O.; Bravo, J.; Paul, A.; Jones, N. P.; Light, Y.; Swann, K.; Williams, R. L.; Katan, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
493 저널기사 Lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of interferon-beta mediates the timing of inducible nitric-oxide synthase induction in RAW 264.7 macrophages 미리보기
Jacobs, A. T.; Ignarro, L. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
494 저널기사 Cyclophilin A mediates Vid22p function in the import of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase into Vid vesicles 미리보기
Brown, C. R.; Cui, D.-Y.; Hung, G. G.-C.; Chiang, H.-L. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
495 저널기사 Vascular endothelial growth factor induction of the angiogenic phenotype requires Ras activation 미리보기
Meadows, K. N.; Bryant, P.; Pumiglia, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
496 저널기사 A factor of inducing IgE from a filarial parasite is an agonist of human CD40 미리보기
Imai, S.; Tezuka, H.; Furuhashi, Y.; Muto, R.; Fujita, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
497 저널기사 The involvement of HAb18G/CD147 in regulation of store-operated calcium entry and metastasis of human hepatoma cells 미리보기
Li Jiang, J.; Zhou, Q.; Yu, M. K.; Ho, L. S.; Chen, Z. N.; Chan, H. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
498 저널기사 Enhancement of the aquaporin adipose gene expression by a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 미리보기
Kishida, K.; Shimomura, I.; Nishizawa, H.; Maeda, N.; Kuriyama, H.; Kondo, H.; Matsuda, M.; Nagaretani, H.; Ouchi, N.; Hotta, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
499 저널기사 Phosphorylation of cysteine string protein by protein kinase A. Implications for the modulation of exocytosis 미리보기
Evans, G. J. O.; Wilkinson, M. C.; Graham, M. E.; Turner, K. M.; Chamberlain, L. H.; Burgoyne, R. D.; Morgan, A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
500 저널기사 Selective Fe^2^+-catalyzed oxidative cleavage of gastric H^+,K^+-ATPase. Implications for the energy transduction mechanism of P-type cation pumps 미리보기
Shin, J. M.; Goldshleger, R.; Munson, K. B.; Sachs, G.; Karlish, S. J. D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
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