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31 저널기사 Gold Deposit Formation during Collapse Tectonics: Structural, Mineralogical, Geochronological and Fluid Inclusion Constraints in the Ouro Preto Gold Mines, Quadril�tero Ferr�ero, Brazil/ 미리보기
Chauvet, A Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
32 저널기사 Geologic Evolution of the Escondida Area, Northern Chile: A Model for Spatial and Temporal Localization of Porphyry Cu Mineralization/ 미리보기
Richards, Jeremy P Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
33 저널기사 Paleomagnetic Constraints on Ages of Mineralization in the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa/ 미리보기
Evans, D A D Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
34 저널기사 Brittle Origins for Disseminated Gold Mineralization in Mylonite: Gaocun Gold Deposit, Hetai Goldfield, Guangdong Province, South China/ 미리보기
Zhang, Guilin Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
35 저널기사 Redistribution of Gold within Arsenopyrite and L�llingite during Pro- and Retrograde Metamorphism: Application to Timing of Mineralization/ 미리보기
Tomkins, Andrew G Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
36 저널기사 The Au-Pd Mineralization at the Concei�ao Iron Mine, Itabira District, Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: An Example of a Jacutinga-Type Deposit/ 미리보기
Olivo, Gema Ribeiro Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
37 저널기사 Discussions - Dike-Hosted Ores of the Beast Deposit and the Importance of Eocene Magmatism in Gold Mineralization of the Carlin Trend, Nevada -- A Reply/ 미리보기
Ressel, Michael W Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
38 저널기사 The Endako Batholith: Episodic Plutonism Culminating in Formation of the Endako Porphyry Molybdenite Deposit, North-Central British Columbia/ 미리보기
Villeneuve, Mike Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
39 저널기사 Comparative institutional response to economic policy managed competition and governmentality/ 미리보기
Light, Donald W Pergamon 2001
40 저널기사 Reviews - Geology and Economic Potential of the Palaeoproterozoic Layered Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the East Kimberley, Western Australia/ 미리보기
Hoatson, D M Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
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