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491 저널기사 Application of Mass-Balance Modeling of Sources, Pathways, and Sinks of Supergene Enrichment to Exploration and Discovery of the Quebrada Turquesa Exotic Copper Orebody, El Salvador District, Chile/ 미리보기
Mote, Timothy I Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
492 저널기사 The Role of Carbonaceous "Indicator" Slates in the Genesis of Lode Gold Mineralization in the Western Lachlan Orogen, Southeastern Australia/ 미리보기
Bierlein, Frank P Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
493 저널기사 Scientific Communications - Extreme Fractionation of Platinum Group Elements in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits/ 미리보기
Pan, Yuanming Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
494 저널기사 Scientific Communications - The Giant Muruntau Gold Delosit: Geologic, Geochronologic, and Fluid Inclusion Constraints on Ore Genesis/ 미리보기
Wilde, A R Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
495 저널기사 Discussions - Dike-Hosted Ores of the Beast Deposit and the Importance of Eocene Magmatism in Gold Mineralization of the Carlin Trend, Nevada -- A Discussion /// 미리보기
Langstaff, G D Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
496 저널기사 Scientific Communications - Re-Os Geochronology and Systematics in Molybdenite from the Endako Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit, British Columbia, Canada/ 미리보기
Selby, David Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
497 저널기사 Gold Content of Eastern Manus Basin Volcanic Rocks: Implications for Enrichment in Associated Hydrothermal Precipitates/ 미리보기
Moss, Roger Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
498 저널기사 Assessment of Grid-Based Whole-Rock dD Surveys in Exploration: Boulder County Epithermal Tungsten Deposit, Colorado/ 미리보기
Rice, Clive M Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
499 저널기사 Wetting Properties of Fe-Ni-Cu-O-S Melts against Olivine: Implications for Sulfide Melt Mobility/ 미리보기
Rose, Lesley A Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
500 저널기사 SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS - A2000 Awards and Medals: Penrose Gold Medal, SEG Silver Medal, Marsden Award/ 미리보기
Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
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