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51 저널기사 Bridging the Globalization Gap - Will the Nation-State Survive Globalization? - Doomsayers predict that globalization will weaken national governments. They should bite their tongues. Global governance will of course grow in step with economic integration. But it will actually express and promote, rather than suppress, the interests of nation-states./ 미리보기
Wolf, Martin Council on Foreign Relations] 2001
52 저널기사 Atacamite Inclusions in Rock-Forming Feldspars and Copper-Bearing Smectites from the Radomiro Tomic Mine, Chile: Copper Insoluble Mineral Occurrences/ 미리보기
Brimhall, George H Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
53 저널기사 The Source of Metals in the Qilinchang Zn-Pb Deposit, Northeastern Yunnan, China: Pb-Sr Isotope Constraints/ 미리보기
Zhou, Chaoxian Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
54 저널기사 Replenishment and pricing policy for deteriorating items taking into account the time-value of money 미리보기
55 저널기사 Postmineralization Faults in the Beaufor Gold Deposit, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada: Geometry, Origin, and Tectonic Implications for the Val d'Or Mining District/ 미리보기
Tremblay, Alain Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
56 저널기사 Paragenesis, Elemental Distribution, and Stable Isotopes at the Pe� Colorada Iron Skarn, Colima, Mexico/ 미리보기
Zurcher, Lukas Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
57 저널기사 Scientific Communications - Precipitation of Gold in a Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Gold Deposit: Insights from Submillimeter-Scale Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Vein Quartz/ 미리보기
Hayashi, Ken-ichiro Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
58 저널기사 Timing of Gold and Arsenic Sulfide Mineral Deposition at the Getchell Carlin-Type Gold Deposit, North-Central Nevada/ 미리보기
Cline, Jean S Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
59 저널기사 Epithermal Au-Ag-Te Mineralization, Acupan, Baguio District, Philippines; Numerical Simulations of Mineral Deposition/ 미리보기
Cooke, David R Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
60 저널기사 Aeromagnetic Signature of Porphyry Copper Systems in Northern Chile and Its Geologic Implications/ 미리보기
Behn, Gerardo Economic Geology Pub. Co 2001
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