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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Privatization Methods and Productivity Effects in Romanian Industrial Enterprises 미리보기
Earle, J. S.; Telegdy, A. Academic Press; 1999 2002
12 저널기사 The Effects of Market Liberalization on the Relative Earnings of Chinese Women 미리보기
Maurer-Fazio, M.; Hughes, J. Academic Press; 1999 2002
13 저널기사 Urban Demand for Edible Oils and Fats in China: Evidence from Household Survey Data 미리보기
Fang, C.; Beghin, J. C. Academic Press; 1999 2002
14 저널기사 Information, Incentives, and Option Value: The Silicon Valley Model 미리보기
Aoki, M.; Takizawa, H. Academic Press; 1999 2002
15 저널기사 Does a Switch of Budget Regimes Affect Investment and Managerial Discretion of State-Owned Enterprises? Evidence from Italian Firms 미리보기
Bertero, E.; Rondi, L. Academic Press; 1999 2002
16 저널기사 Intangibles in Competition and Cooperation: Euro-Asian Perspectives. Edited by Parathrathi Banerjee and Frank-Jurgen Richter 미리보기
Hanna, N. Academic Press; 1999 2002
17 저널기사 The Evolution of China's Rural Labor Markets During the Reforms 미리보기
de Brauw, A.; Huang, J.; Rozelle, S.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y. Academic Press; 1999 2002
18 저널기사 Organizational Type and Efficiency in the Costa Rican Coffee Processing Sector 미리보기
Mosheim, R. Academic Press; 1999 2002
19 저널기사 Audit Hierarchy in a Corrupt Tax Administration: A Note with Qualifications and Extensions 미리보기
Sanyal, A. Academic Press; 1999 2002
20 저널기사 The Emergence of a Greater China and Its Impact on World Trade: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis 미리보기
Wang, Z.; Schuh, E. G. Academic Press; 1999 2002
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