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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Five Interest Inventories 미리보기
Savickas, M. L.; Taber, B. J.; Spokane, A. R. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
72 저널기사 Variations in Human Capital Investment Activity by Age 미리보기
Simpson, P. A.; Greller, M. M.; Stroh, L. K. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
73 저널기사 Development Through Work and Play 미리보기
Hartung, P. J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
74 저널기사 The Process of Occupational Decision Making: Patterns during the Transition to Adulthood 미리보기
Mortimer, J. T.; Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J.; Holmes, M.; Shanahan, M. J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
75 저널기사 Parental Influence on Students' Educational Choices in the United States and Germany: Different Ramifications-Same Effect? 미리보기
Schnabel, K. U.; Alfeld, C.; Eccles, J. S.; Koller, O.; Baumert, J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
76 저널기사 Child Saving and the Emergence of Vocational Psychology 미리보기
Baker, D. B. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
77 저널기사 Reinvigorating the Study of Careers 미리보기
Savickas, M. L. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
78 저널기사 Managerial Support for Dual-Career Relocation Dilemmas 미리보기
Eby, L. T.; Douthitt, S. S.; Perrin, T.; Noble, C. L.; Atchley, K. P.; Ladd, R. T. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
79 저널기사 Negative Affectivity, Role Stress, and Work-Family Conflict 미리보기
Stoeva, A. Z.; Chiu, R. K.; Greenhaus, J. H. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
80 저널기사 Subjective Career Success and Emotional Well-Being: Longitudinal Predictive Power of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation 미리보기
Wiese, B. S.; Freund, A. M.; Baltes, P. B. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
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