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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Competition for Listings 미리보기
Foucault, T.; Parlour, C. A. Rand Corp. 2004
22 저널기사 Using Return Polices to Elicit Retailer Information 미리보기
Arya, A.; Mittendorf, B. Rand Corp. 2004
23 저널기사 Sender or Receiver: Who Should Pay to Exchange an Electronic Message? 미리보기
Hermalin, B. E.; Katz, M. L. Rand Corp. 2004
24 저널기사 Price Dispersion in the Lab and on the Internet: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Baye, M. R.; Morgan, J. Rand Corp. 2004
25 저널기사 Price Discrimination in Broadway Theater 미리보기
Leslie, P. Rand Corp. 2004
26 저널기사 Information Overload in a Network of Targeted Communication 미리보기
Van Zandt, T. Rand Corp. 2004
27 저널기사 The Competitiveness of Joint Bidding in Multi-Unit Uniform-Price Auctions 미리보기
Levin, D. Rand Corp. 2004
28 저널기사 Revenue Sharing and Control Rights in Team Production: Theories and Evidence from Joint Ventures 미리보기
Bai, C.-E.; Tao, Z.; Wu, C. Rand Corp. 2004
29 저널기사 Exploiting Future Settlements: A Signalling Model of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses in Settlement Bargaining 미리보기
Daughety, A. F.; Reinganum, J. F. Rand Corp. 2004
30 저널기사 Divisible-Good Auctions: The Role of Allocation Rules 미리보기
Kremer, I.; Nyborg, K. G. Rand Corp. 2004
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