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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
129건 중 129건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 `Children From Good Homes' 미리보기
Cromer, G. Oxford University Press 2004
72 저널기사 Hermann Mannheim and Max Grunhut 미리보기
Hood, R. Oxford University Press 2004
73 저널기사 Selling Security: The Private Policing of Public Space. By Alison Wakefield (Cullompton: Willan, 2003, 252pp. 25.00 hb) 미리보기
Waddington, P. A. Oxford University Press 2004
74 저널기사 Crime and the Dialectics of Inclusion/Exclusion 미리보기
Young, J. Oxford University Press 2004
75 저널기사 Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice. By Heather Strang (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002, 298 pp. 45.00 hb) 미리보기
Wright, M. Oxford University Press 2004
76 저널기사 Exposure to Threatening and Violent Behaviour Among Single Mothers 미리보기
Estrada, F.; Nilsson, A. Oxford University Press 2004
77 저널기사 Crime in Literature. By Vincenzo Ruggiero (London: Verso, 2003, 257pp. 13.00 pb) 미리보기
Carlen, P. Oxford University Press 2004
78 저널기사 References 미리보기
Young, J. Oxford University Press 2004
79 저널기사 Research Note 미리보기
Farrall, S.; Gadd, D. Oxford University Press 2004
80 저널기사 Women in Charge: Policing, Gender and Leadership. By Marisa Silvestri (Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, 2003, 215pp. 30.00) 미리보기
Little, C. Oxford University Press 2004
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