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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Critical Issues in Restorative Justice. Edited by H. Zehr and B. Toews (Mosney, NY: Criminal Justice Press, 2004, 412pp. 24.99 pb) 미리보기
Eriksson, A. M. Oxford University Press 2005
62 저널기사 The Virtual Prison: Community Custody and the Evolution of Imprisonment. By Julian V. Roberts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, 219 pp. 45 hb, 19.99 pb) 미리보기
O'Donnell, I. Oxford University Press 2005
63 저널기사 Migration, Culture Conflict and Crime. By JOSHUA D. FREILICH, GRAEME NEWMAN, S. GIORA SHOHAM and MOSHE ADDAD (eds) (Aldershot: Darmouth Publishing Company, 2002, 319pp. 51.50 hb) 미리보기
Antonopoulos, G. A. Oxford University Press 2005
64 저널기사 Global Organized Crime: Trends and Developments. Edited by Dina Siegel, Henk Van De Bunt and Damian Zaitch (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004, 199pp. 49.98 hb) 미리보기
Ruggiero, V. Oxford University Press 2005
65 저널기사 The New Parapolice: Risk Markets and Commodified Social Control. BY George Rigakos (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002, 182pp. 42.00 hb) 미리보기
Waddington, P. A. Oxford University Press 2005
66 저널기사 Understanding Crime in Jamaica: New Challenges for Public Policy. By Anthony Harriott (ed.) (University of the West Indies Press, 2003, 239pp. $35.00 pb) 미리보기
Bowling, B. Oxford University Press 2005
67 저널기사 Doing Prison Work: The Public and Private Lives of Prison Officers. By Elaine Crawley (London: Willan Publishing, 2004, 281pp. 35.00) 미리보기
Carter, K. W. Oxford University Press 2005
68 저널기사 The Effect of a Reduction in Heroin Supply in Australia upon Drug Distribution and Acquisitive Crime 미리보기
Degenhardt, L.; Conroy, E.; Gilmour, S.; Collins, L. Oxford University Press 2005
69 저널기사 Hard Cop, Soft Cop: Dilemmas and Debates in Contemporary Policing. Edited by R. Hopkins-Burke (Cullompten: Willan, 2004, (19.99 pb) 미리보기
Conway, V. Oxford University Press 2005
70 저널기사 Nurturing Hidden Resilience in Troubled Youth. By Michael Ungar (London: University of Toronto Press, 2004, 304pp. 20.00 pb) 미리보기
Sutherland, A. Oxford University Press 2005
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