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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Entrepreneurship, Export Diversification, and Economic Reform: The Birth of a Development Community in the Dominican Republic 미리보기
Schrank, A. Political Science Program of the City University of New York, etc.] 2005
72 저널기사 Does English Rule? Language Instruction and Economic Strategies in Singapore, Ireland, and Puerto Rico 미리보기
Suarez, S. L. Political Science Program of the City University of New York, etc.] 2005
73 저널기사 Insuring Eggs in Baskets: Should the Government Insure Individual Risks? 미리보기
Hart, C. E.; Hayes, D. J.; Babcock, B. A. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
74 저널기사 A Decomposed Negative Binomial Model of Structural Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Application to U.S. Agriculture 미리보기
Kim, C. S.; Schluter, G.; Schaible, G.; Mishra, A.; Hallahan, C. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
75 저널기사 The Luxembourg Common Agricultural Policy Reform and the European Food Industries: What's at Stake? 미리보기
Gohin, A.; Latruffe, L. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
76 저널기사 Reflections on the Private Versus Public Policing of Economic Crime 미리보기
Williams, J. W. Oxford University Press 2005
77 저널기사 Corporate tax evasion with agency costs 미리보기
Crocker, K. J.; Slemrod, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
78 저널기사 Investment Attractiveness of Afforestation in Canada Inclusive of Carbon Sequestration Benefits 미리보기
Yemshanov, D.; McKenney, D. W.; Hatton, T.; Fox, G. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
79 저널기사 Sinks, Emissions Intensity Caps and Barriers to Emissions Trading 미리보기
Allan, T.; Baylis, K. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
80 저널기사 Does money matter in the CIS? Effects of monetary policy on output and prices 미리보기
Starr, M. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2005
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