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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
29건 중 29건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 On the sensitivity of the restricted least squares estimators to covariance misspecification 미리보기
Wan, A. T.; Zou, G.; Qin, H. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
2 저널기사 Expectations hypotheses tests at Long Horizons 미리보기
Rossi, B. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
3 저널기사 Robust estimators for the fixed effects panel data model 미리보기
Bramati, M. C.; Croux, C. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
4 저널기사 Method of moment estimation in the COGARCH(1,1) model 미리보기
Haug, S.; Kluppelberg, C.; Lindner, A.; Zapp, M. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
5 저널기사 Non-trading day effects in asymmetric conditional and stochastic volatility models 미리보기
Asai, M.; McAleer, M. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
6 저널기사 How useful are tests for unit-root in distinguishing unit-root processes from stationary but non-linear processes? 미리보기
Choi, C. Y.; Moh, Y. K. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
7 저널기사 Minimum distance estimation of stationary and non-stationary ARFIMA processes 미리보기
Mayoral, L. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
8 저널기사 A mixture-distribution factor model for multivariate outliers 미리보기
Georgiev, I. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
9 저널기사 Propensity score matching without conditional independence assumption-with an application to the gender wage gap in the United Kingdom 미리보기
Frolich, M. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
10 저널기사 Local sensitivity and diagnostic tests 미리보기
Magnus, J. R.; Vasnev, A. L. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2007
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