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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The State's Private Law and the Economy-Commercial Law as an Amalgam of Public and Private Rule-Making 미리보기
Basedow, J. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
22 저널기사 Aharon Barak, The Judge in a Democracy 미리보기
Newman, J.O. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
23 저널기사 John A. Spanogle, Jr., Michael P. Malloy, Louis F. Del Duca, Keith A. Rowley, and Andrea K. Bjorklund, Global Issues in Contract Law 미리보기
Levit, J.K. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
24 저널기사 The Limited Autonomy of Private Law 미리보기
Dagan, H. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
25 저널기사 Global Forces of Corporate Change and European Path-Dependencies 미리보기
Zumbansen, P. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
26 저널기사 Andrew J. McClurg et al., Practical Global Tort Litigation: United States, Germany and Argentina 미리보기
Hammel, A. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
27 저널기사 Jurgen Lillteicher, Raub, Recht und Restitution 미리보기
Buxbaum, R.M. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
28 저널기사 Rome II and Tort Conflicts: A Missed Opportunity 미리보기
Symeonides, S.C. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
29 저널기사 The Failed Law of Latin America 미리보기
Esquirol, J.L. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
30 저널기사 Conflict of Laws Bibliography: U.S. Sources, 2006-2007 미리보기
Symeonides, S.C. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2008
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