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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Litigating Abuses Committed by Private Military Companies 미리보기
Ryngaert, C. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
32 저널기사 Some Thoughts on the Making of International Law 미리보기
Pronto, A. N. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
33 저널기사 Key Issues in the WTO Dispute Settlement: The First Ten Years 미리보기
Nielsen, L. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
34 저널기사 Terrorist Crimes and International Co-operation: Critical Remarks on the Definition and Inclusion of Terrorism in the Category of International Crimes 미리보기
Di Filippo, M. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
35 저널기사 The Changing Fortunes of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Genesis and Symbolic Dimensions of the Turn to Rights in International Law 미리보기
von Bernstorff, J. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
36 저널기사 The Sociology of International Economic Law: Sociological Analysis of the Regulation of Regional Agreements in the World Trading System 미리보기
Hirsch, M. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
37 저널기사 Heiko Sauer, Jurisdiktionskonflikte in Mehrebenensystemen: Die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Losung von Konflikten zwischen Gerichten unterschiedlicher Ebenen in vernetzten Rechtsordnungen 미리보기
Lavranos, N. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
38 저널기사 Thematic Procedures of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and International Law: In Search of a Sense of Community 미리보기
Heinz, W. S. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
39 저널기사 Individual Liability of Private Military Personnel under International Criminal Law 미리보기
Lehnardt, C. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
40 저널기사 Costas Douzinas, Human Rights and Empire: The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism 미리보기
Ozsu, U. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
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