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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Terrorism, Rights and the Rule of Law: Negotiating justice in Ireland. By B. Vaughan, and S. Kilcommins (Cullomtpon: Willan Publishing, 2008, 234pp. 18.99pb) 미리보기
Eriksson, A. Oxford University Press 2009
2 저널기사 Explaining Ethnic Inequality in the Juvenile Justice System 미리보기
Weenink, D. Oxford University Press 2009
3 저널기사 Reconsidering the Theory on Adolescent-Limited and Life-Course Persistent Anti-Social Behaviour 미리보기
Skardhamar, T. Oxford University Press 2009
4 저널기사 Exceptionalism and the `War on Terror' 미리보기
Aradau, C.; van Munster, R. Oxford University Press 2009
5 저널기사 Victims, Crime and Society. Edited by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis and Chris Greer (London: Sage, 2007, 292pp. 19.99) 미리보기
Hall, M. Oxford University Press 2009
6 저널기사 The Currency of Justice: Fines and Damages in Consumer Societies. By Pat OMalley (Abingdon and New York: Routledge-Cavendish, 2009, ix + 187pp. 22.99) 미리보기
Carlen, P. Oxford University Press 2009
7 저널기사 Cultural Criminology: An Invitation. By Jeff Ferrell, Keith Hayward and Jock Young (London: Sage, 2008) Criminal Identities and Consumer Culture: Crime, Exclusion and the New Culture of Narcissism. By Steve Hall, Simon Winlow and Craig Ancrum (Cullompton: Willan, 2008, 248pp. 19.50 pb) 미리보기
Carlen, P. Oxford University Press 2009
8 저널기사 Re-Thinking Miscarriages of Justice: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg . By Michael Naughton (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 248pp. 48.00) 미리보기
Quirk, H. Oxford University Press 2009
9 저널기사 The Irish War on Drugs: The Seductive Folly of Prohibition. By Paul OMahony (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008, 244pp. 55.00 hb, 16.99 pb) 미리보기
Murphy, T. Oxford University Press 2009
10 저널기사 The Phantom Capitalists: The Organization and Control Of Long-Firm Fraud . By Michael Levi (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, lxxxiv + 356pp. 60.00 hb) 미리보기
Tombs, S. Oxford University Press 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
