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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Shareholder wealth effects from mergers and acquisitions in the Greek banking industry 미리보기
Manasakis, C. INDERSCIENCE 2009
42 저널기사 Economic growth and economic crisis 미리보기
Anderson, V. INDERSCIENCE 2009
43 저널기사 Sex work: a survey of social, philosophical and human rights issues 미리보기
Bennett, N. INDERSCIENCE 2009
44 저널기사 Takeovers of targets lacking analyst coverage 미리보기
Madura, J.; Ngo, T.; Richie, N. Inderscience 2009
45 저널기사 Development of a framework for an RFID-based manufacturing process automation system 미리보기
Lee, W.B.; Cheung, C.F.; Kwok, S.K.; Chan, Y.L.; Chan, K.C.C.; Leung, H.K.N. Inderscience 2009
46 저널기사 Governance mechanisms, simultaneity and firm value in Australia 미리보기
Setia-Atmaja, L.Y. Inderscience 2009
47 저널기사 Revealed comparative advantages for India in services trade 미리보기
Pailwar, V.K.; Shah, N.R. Inderscience 2009
48 저널기사 Industry price effects of offshore outsourcing 미리보기
Wamboye, E. Inderscience 2009
49 저널기사 Globalisation of the automotive industry: main features and trends 미리보기
Sturgeon, T.J.; Memedovic, O.; Van Biesebroeck, J.; Gereffi, G. Inderscience 2009
50 저널기사 Should economics educators care about students' academic freedom? 미리보기
Garnett, R.F.; Butler, M.R. Inderscience 2009
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