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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
66건 중 66건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Aline Grenon and Louise Belanger-Hardy, eds., Elements of Quebec Civil Law: A Comparison with the Common Law of Canada/Elements de Common Law canadienne: comparaison avec le droit civil quebecois (Theory, Explanation, and Comparison in Comparative Law) 미리보기
Valcke, C. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
42 저널기사 Legal Transplant Chronicles: The Evolution of Unreasonableness and Proportionality Review of the Administration in the United Kingdom 미리보기
Cohn, M. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
43 저널기사 Corporate Governance Part II-Accountability Rules 미리보기
Gevurtz, F.A. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
44 저널기사 An Overview of United States Corporate Governance in Publicly Traded Corporations 미리보기
Pinto, A.R. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
45 저널기사 Climate Change and the Law 미리보기
Grossman, M.R. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
46 저널기사 Cost and Fee Allocation in Civil Procedure 미리보기
Maxeiner, J.R. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
47 저널기사 The Louisiana and Oregon Codifications of Choice-of-Law Rules in Context 미리보기
Nafziger, J.A.R. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
48 저널기사 Consumer Protection in Transnational Contexts 미리보기
deLisle, J.; Trujillo, E. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
49 저널기사 Tax Law, Hiroshi Kaneko, and the Transformation of Japanese Jurisprudence 미리보기
Nakazato, M.; Ramseyer, J.M. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
50 저널기사 The Nuremberg Paradox 미리보기
Sadat, L.N. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2010
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