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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
82건 중 82건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Predicting negative consumer reactions to services offshoring 미리보기
Thelen, S. T.; Shapiro, T. EMERALD 2012
72 저널기사 Creating new market for industrial services in nascent fields 미리보기
Hu, Y.; McLoughlin, D. EMERALD 2012
73 저널기사 Do country-of-manufacture and country-of-design matter to industrial brand equity? 미리보기
Chen, Y. M.; Su, Y. F. EMERALD 2012
74 저널기사 The role of cause and affect in service failure 미리보기
Harrison-Walker, L. J. EMERALD 2012
75 저널기사 The dynamics of satisfaction and loyalty after relational transgressions 미리보기
Blocker, C. P. EMERALD 2012
76 저널기사 How to increase supplier flexibility through social mechanisms and influence strategies? 미리보기
Chu, P. Y.; Chang, K. H.; Huang, H. F. EMERALD 2012
77 저널기사 Retailers' new product acceptance decisions: incorporating the buyer-supplier relationship perspective 미리보기
Lin, J. S.; Chang, Y. C. EMERALD 2012
78 저널기사 New service development in India's business-to-business financial services sector 미리보기
Alam, I. I. EMERALD 2012
79 저널기사 Relationship portfolios and guanxi in Chinese business strategy 미리보기
Zolkiewski, J. M.; Feng, J. EMERALD 2012
80 저널기사 The effect of customer relationship management adoption in business-to-business markets 미리보기
Ata, U. Z.; Toker, A. EMERALD 2012
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