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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
174건 중 174건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Modelling consumer choice (buying) and switching behaviour in a restricted marketing environment 미리보기
Sakkthivel, A.M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
72 저널기사 Assessing the value relevance of total comprehensive income under IFRS: an empirical evidence from European stock exchanges 미리보기
Devalle, A.; Magarini, R. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
73 저널기사 A review on evolution of e-commerce user acceptant behaviour under collaborative commerce: a study based on Sri Lanka 미리보기
Dasanayaka; Samarawickrama Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
74 저널기사 Technology-enabled division of labour: the use of handhelds 미리보기
Benders, J.; Schouteten, R.; De Ruijsscher, C. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
75 저널기사 Enabling mGovernment: a framework and a case study 미리보기
Coursaris, C.K.; Boylan, C.; Taylor, J. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
76 저널기사 Integrating RFID into products and business processes to improve asset management in hospitals 미리보기
Nabelsi, V. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
77 저널기사 Management practice, firm size and performance of individual family firm: evidence from Indonesian's batik industry 미리보기
Ambarriani, A.S.; Purwanugraha, H.A. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
78 저널기사 Captive offshoring by US multinationals: measuring the domestic employment impacts of vertical FDI 미리보기
Mullen, J.K.; Williams, M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
79 저널기사 An investigation of the relationship between job satisfaction and organisational empowerment as perceived by front-line managers in 5-star hotels 미리보기
Al-alak, B.A.; El-Refae, G.A. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
80 저널기사 The growth, inequality and poverty triangle: new evidence from a panel of SAARC countries 미리보기
Zaman, K.; Shah, I.A.; Khan, M.M.; Ahmad, M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
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