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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Blunt Instruments: Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Identifying the Causes of Economic Growth 미리보기
Bazzi, S.; Clemens, M.A. American Economic Association 2013
22 저널기사 Sovereign Defaults: The Price of Haircuts 미리보기
Cruces, J.J.; Trebesch, C. American Economic Association 2013
23 저널기사 Contracts for Agents with Biased Beliefs: Some Theory and an Experiment 미리보기
Sautmann, A. American Economic Association 2013
24 저널기사 Crises and Recoveries in an Empirical Model of Consumption Disasters 미리보기
Nakamura, E.; Steinsson, J.; Barro, R.; Ursua, J. American Economic Association 2013
25 저널기사 Capital Controls with International Reserve Accumulation: Can this Be Optimal? 미리보기
Bacchetta, P.; Benhima, K.; Kalantzis, Y. American Economic Association 2013
26 저널기사 The ``Out of Africa'' Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development 미리보기
Ashraf, Q.; Galor, O. American Economic Association 2013
27 저널기사 Price Discrimination and Bargaining: Empirical Evidence from Medical Devices 미리보기
Grennan, M. American Economic Association 2013
28 저널기사 The Trouble with Boys: Social Influences and the Gender Gap in Disruptive Behavior 미리보기
Bertrand, M.; Pan, J. American Economic Association 2013
29 저널기사 Optimal Expectations and Limited Medical Testing: Evidence from Huntington Disease 미리보기
Oster, E.; Shoulson, I.; Dorsey, E.R. American Economic Association 2013
30 저널기사 Pandering to Persuade 미리보기
Che, Y.-K.; Dessein, W.; Kartik, N. American Economic Association 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
