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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Centrality, flexibility and floating stocks: A quantitative evaluation of port-of-entry choices 미리보기
van Asperen, E.; Dekker, R. Palgrave 2013
92 저널기사 Debt of Nonfinancial Corporations and Economic Growth 미리보기
Izak, V. Vysoka skola ekonomicka 2013
93 저널기사 Robust estimation of the simplified multivariate GARCH model 미리보기
Iqbal, F. Physica-Verlag 2013
94 저널기사 A Tribute to Elinor Ostrom: August 7, 1933-June 12, 2012 미리보기
Walker, J.M. Southern Economic Association] 2013
95 저널기사 The CEO Arms Race 미리보기
Gritsko, N.; Kozlova, V.; Neilson, W.; Wichmann, B. Southern Economic Association] 2013
96 저널기사 Real Interest Rate and Labor Market Performance Around the World 미리보기
Feldmann, H. Southern Economic Association] 2013
97 저널기사 Of Positivism and the History of Economic Thought 미리보기
Caldwell, B. Southern Economic Association] 2013
98 저널기사 Does Terrorism Affect the Stock-Bond Covariance? Evidence from European Countries 미리보기
Kollias, C.; Papadamou, S.; Arvanitis, V. Southern Economic Association] 2013
99 저널기사 Patentability and Knowledge Spillovers of Basic R&D 미리보기
Chu, A.C.; Furukawa, Y. Southern Economic Association] 2013
100 저널기사 Elinor Ostrom: ``A Magnificent and Irreplaceable Treasure'' 미리보기
Wilson, R.K.; Eckel, C.C. Southern Economic Association] 2013
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