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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2014 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Predicting Credit Losses: Loan Fair Values versus Historical Costs 미리보기
Cantrell, B.W.; McInnis, J.M.; Yust, C.G. American Accounting Association. 2014
92 저널기사 Error Management in Audit Firms: Error Climate, Type, and Originator 미리보기
Gold, A.; Gronewold, U.; Salterio, S.E. American Accounting Association. 2014
93 저널기사 A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON ENTERPRISE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Information systems are designed to help companies use enterprise resources more efficiently. But what if companies used information systems more broadly - not just to measure profits, but also to account for the needs of people and the environment? 미리보기
Odenwald, T.; Berg, C. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2014
94 저널기사 Ralf Ewert and Alfred Wagenhofer Earnings Management, Conservatism, and Earnings Quality 미리보기
Glover, J. American Accounting Association. 2014
95 저널기사 The Market Pricing of Other-Than-Temporary Impairments 미리보기
Badertscher, B.A.; Burks, J.J.; Easton, P.D. American Accounting Association. 2014
96 저널기사 CEO Turnover, Financial Distress, and Contractual Innovations 미리보기
Evans, J.H.; Luo, S.; Nagarajan, N.J. American Accounting Association. 2014
97 저널기사 Can Offering a Signing Bonus Motivate Effort? Experimental Evidence of the Moderating Effects of Labor Market Competition 미리보기
Choi, J. American Accounting Association. 2014
98 저널기사 Narrative Disclosure and Earnings Performance: Evidence from R&D Disclosures 미리보기
Merkley, K.J. American Accounting Association. 2014
99 저널기사 Network Ties Among Low-Tax Firms 미리보기
Brown, J.L.; Drake, K.D. American Accounting Association. 2014
100 저널기사 Taking the Pulse of the Real Economy Using Financial Statement Analysis: Implications for Macro Forecasting and Stock Valuation 미리보기
Konchitchki, Y.; Patatoukas, P.N. American Accounting Association. 2014
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