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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2014 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 R^2 and Idiosyncratic Risk Are Not Interchangeable 미리보기
Li, B.; Rajgopal, S.; Venkatachalam, M. American Accounting Association. 2014
42 저널기사 Affiliated Banker on Board and Conservative Accounting 미리보기
David H. Erkens ; K. R. Subramanyam ; Jieying Zhang American Accounting Association.. 2014
43 저널기사 Organizational Form and Accounting Choice: Are Nonprofit or For-Profit Managers More Aggressive? 미리보기
Thomas E. Vermeer ; Christopher T. Edmonds ; Sharad C. Asthana American Accounting Association.. 2014
44 저널기사 FRS 102: investment properties Helen Lloyd FCA reviews the accounting treatment for investment properties under new UK GAAP 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2014
45 저널기사 When you have to be right Advisers need to review their tax planning departments so as to avoid falling foul of GAAR, argues Virginia Hickley, partner at Mills & Reeve LLP 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2014
46 저널기사 Unleashing the European Securities and Markets Authority: Governance and Accountability After the ECJ Decision on the Short Selling Regulation (Case C-270/12) 미리보기
Di Noia, C.; Gargantini, M. T.M.C. Asser Press 2014
47 저널기사 Briefing: Business and finance news in review. Plus five things you didn't know about the G20 미리보기
unknown Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 2014
48 저널기사 Who's Really in Charge? Audit Committee versus CFO Power and Audit Fees 미리보기
Beck, M.J.; Mauldin, E.G. American Accounting Association. 2014
49 저널기사 Introduction 미리보기
Evans, J.H. American Accounting Association. 2014
50 저널기사 Ian Dennis The Nature of Accounting Regulation 미리보기
Dewing, I.; Georgiou, O. American Accounting Association. 2014
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