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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2014 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Investor Horizon and CEO Horizon Incentives 미리보기
Cadman, B.; Sunder, J. American Accounting Association. 2014
82 저널기사 The Impact of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on IPOs in Global Capital Markets 미리보기
Hong, H.A.; Hung, M.; Lobo, G.J. American Accounting Association. 2014
83 저널기사 Target Ratcheting and Incentives: Theory, Evidence, and New Opportunities 미리보기
Indjejikian, R.J.; Matejka, M.; Schloetzer, J.D. American Accounting Association. 2014
84 저널기사 The Unintended Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value 미리보기
Elliott, W.B.; Jackson, K.E.; Peecher, M.E.; White, B.J. American Accounting Association. 2014
85 저널기사 Stephen G. Ryan Financial Reporting for Financial Instruments 미리보기
Hodder, L.D. American Accounting Association. 2014
86 저널기사 Choices and Consequences-An Account of an Experimental Sentencing Programme 미리보기
Baker, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
87 저널기사 David Hatherly The Failure and the Future of Accounting: Strategy, Stakeholders, and Business Value 미리보기
Page, M. American Accounting Association. 2014
88 저널기사 Tax Uncertainty and Voluntary Real-Time Tax Audits 미리보기
Beck, P.J.; Lisowsky, P. American Accounting Association. 2014
89 저널기사 Isolated Capital Cities, Accountability, and Corruption: Evidence from US States 미리보기
Campante, F.R.; Do, Q.-A. American Economic Association 2014
90 저널기사 Do Growth-Option Firms Use Less Relative Performance Evaluation? 미리보기
Albuquerque, A.M. American Accounting Association. 2014
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