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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
45건 중 45건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Do 401k plan advisors take their own advice? 미리보기
Dvorak, T. Cambridge University Press 2015
2 저널기사 Multilateral Aid and Domestic Economic Interests 미리보기
McLean, E.V. Cambridge University Press 2015
3 저널기사 The role of hospital payments in the adoption of new medical technologies: an international survey of current practice 미리보기
Sorenson, C.; Drummond, M.; Torbica, A.; Callea, G.; Mateus, C. Cambridge University Press 2015
4 저널기사 Causality and regularity in a `creative world' 미리보기
Witt, U. Cambridge University Press 2015
5 저널기사 Next steps toward an economics for a creative world: a comment 미리보기
Foster, J. Cambridge University Press 2015
6 저널기사 Economics for a creative world: some agreements and some criticism 미리보기
Pelikan, P. Cambridge University Press 2015
7 저널기사 Economics for a creative world: a response to comments 미리보기
Koppl, R.; Kauffman, S.; Felin, T.; Longo, G. Cambridge University Press 2015
8 저널기사 Inequality and culture in a cross-section of countries 미리보기
Kyriacou, A.P.; Velasquez, F.J.L. Cambridge University Press 2015
9 저널기사 Coasean method: lessons from the farm 미리보기
Allen, D.W. Cambridge University Press 2015
10 저널기사 The political economy of special economic zones 미리보기
Moberg, L. Cambridge University Press 2015
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