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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
2,170건 중 500건 출력
4/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
기사 삭제
2017 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Effect of Endowments on Gender Wage Differentials: A Decomposition Analysis for Indian Labour Market 미리보기
Suraj Sharma New Delhi Publishers 2017
32 저널기사 An Economic Analysis of Cut Flower Marketing in Tamil Nadu 미리보기
J.S. Amarnath;K. Tamil Vendhan New Delhi Publishers 2017
33 저널기사 Countries Military Expenditures: Definitions and Determinants 미리보기
Ganesh Kumar New Delhi Publishers 2017
34 저널기사 Dynamics of Pulse Production in North-East Region of India-A State-wise Analysis 미리보기
A. Roy;N.U. Singh;A.K. Tripathi;A. Yumnam;P.K. Sinha;B. Kumar;S.K. Das New Delhi Publishers 2017
35 저널기사 Training Needs of Farmers about World Trade Organization Issues 미리보기
Ashish Santosh Murai;K. Vijayragavan;Premlata Singh New Delhi Publishers 2017
36 저널기사 Production and Export of Value Added tea in India and its Global Competitiveness 미리보기
Udeshna Talukdar;C. Hazarika New Delhi Publishers 2017
37 저널기사 Access and participation of rural households to the credit markets in Meghalaya 미리보기
Charlene. M. Swer;S. Umdor New Delhi Publishers 2017
38 저널기사 Profitability analysis of broiler farms: A case study of sonitpur district of Assam 미리보기
Monisha Borah;R.A. Halim New Delhi Publishers 2017
39 저널기사 Study on access to farm credit by the small and marginal farmers in India under the policy on priority sector lending (PSL) 미리보기
Tuhin Narayan Roy New Delhi Publishers 2017
40 저널기사 Economic evaluation of farming systems for agricultural production in southern Rajasthan 미리보기
Hari Singh;S.S. Burark;S.K. Sharma;D.K. Jajoria;R.P. Sharma New Delhi Publishers 2017
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