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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
2,170건 중 500건 출력
7/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
기사 삭제
2017 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Women Participation in Panchayat raj in west bengal: An Appraisal 미리보기
Sanchita Hazra New Delhi Publishers 2017
62 저널기사 Cobb-Douglas Production Function For Measuring Efficiency in Indian Agriculture: A Region-wise Analysis 미리보기
Pia Ghoshal;Bhaskar Goswami New Delhi Publishers 2017
63 저널기사 Changing Pattern in india's Agricultural exports under WTO 미리보기
Shabana Anjum;Arifa Khan New Delhi Publishers 2017
64 저널기사 Nonfarm based Livelihood in rural Sikkim: An Analysis 미리보기
Santosh Sharma;Rajendra Mistri;Manesh Choubey New Delhi Publishers 2017
65 저널기사 Accessibility of rural credit among weaker Section of the Society: A case Study of South tripura district of tripura 미리보기
Kaju Nath;Anupam Das New Delhi Publishers 2017
66 저널기사 Military expenditure and economic growth nexus in the Postreform era of india 미리보기
Kanchan Datta New Delhi Publishers 2017
67 저널기사 Comparative Economics of Contract and Non-contract Farming of Potato in Gujarat 미리보기
V.K. Gondalia;Y.C. Zala;Rachana Kumari Bansal New Delhi Publishers 2017
68 저널기사 Production Economics of Strawberry in Haryana, India 미리보기
Shiv Prakash;Debashis Sarkar New Delhi Publishers 2017
69 저널기사 An Economic Assessment of Cotton Production under Precision Farming in North Eastern Karnataka 미리보기
K Shruthi;G.M. Hiremath;Amrutha T. Joshi New Delhi Publishers 2017
70 저널기사 Crop Response to the Application of NCU in Major Kharif Crops: An Impact Assessment in Central India 미리보기
H.K. Niranjan;D. Rathi;H.O. Sharma;R.S. Chouhan;S.S. Thakur New Delhi Publishers 2017
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