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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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기사 삭제
2018 삭제
American Marketing Association 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Marketing Channel Management by Multinational Corporations in Foreign Markets 미리보기
Grewal, Rajdeep; Saini, Amit; Kumar, Alok; Dwyer, F. Robert; Dahlstrom, Robert American Marketing Association 2018
82 저널기사 Investigating the Influence of Characteristics of the New Product Introduction Process on Firm Value: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry 미리보기
Sharma, Amalesh; Saboo, Alok R.; Kumar, V. American Marketing Association 2018
83 저널기사 The New Product Portfolio Innovativeness—Stock Returns Relationship: The Role of Large Individual Investors' Culture 미리보기
Cillo, Paola; Griffith, David A.; Rubera, Gaia American Marketing Association 2018
84 저널기사 How Deviations from Performance Norms Impact Charitable Donations 미리보기
Allen, Alexis M.; Eilert, Meike; Peloza, John American Marketing Association] 2018
85 저널기사 Introduction to the Special Section on Global Perspectives in Public Policy and Marketing 미리보기
Kopp, Steven W.; Kim, Kyung-Hoon American Marketing Association 2018
86 저널기사 Dog Parks and Coffee Shops: Faux Diversity and Consumption in Gentrifying Neighborhoods 미리보기
Grier, Sonya A.; Perry, Vanessa G. American Marketing Association 2018
87 저널기사 Reflections on Publishing in the Journal of Marketing 미리보기
Kumar, V.; Mittal, Vikas; Morgan, Neil American Marketing Association 2018
88 저널기사 How Consumers' Political Ideology and Status-Maintenance Goals Interact to Shape Their Desire for Luxury Goods 미리보기
Kim, Jeehye Christine; Park, Brian; Dubois, David American Marketing Association 2018
89 저널기사 Format Neglect: How the Use of Numerical Versus Percentage Rank Claims Influences Consumer Judgments 미리보기
Sevilla, Julio; Isaac, Mathew S.; Bagchi, Rajesh American Marketing Association 2018
90 저널기사 Social Sustainability as Buying Local: Effects of Soft Policy, Meso-Level Actors, and Social Influences on Purchase Intentions 미리보기
Testa, Francesco; Russo, Michael V.; Cornwell, T. Bettina; McDonald, Aaron; Reich, Brandon American Marketing Association 2018
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