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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Pass-Through as a Test for Market Power: An Application to Solar Subsidies 미리보기
Pless, Jacquelyn; van Benthem, Arthur A. American Economic Association 2019
102 저널기사 Consumer Spending during Unemployment: Positive and Normative Implications 미리보기
Ganong, Peter; Noel, Pascal American Economic Association 2019
103 저널기사 Deliberately Stochastic 미리보기
Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone; Dillenberger, David; Ortoleva, Pietro; Riella, Gil American Economic Association 2019
104 저널기사 Contractual Managerial Incentives with Stock Price Feedback 미리보기
Lin, Tse-Chun; Liu, Qi; Sun, Bo American Economic Association 2019
105 저널기사 Familiarity Does Not Breed Contempt: Generosity, Discrimination, and Diversity in Delhi Schools 미리보기
Rao, Gautam American Economic Association 2019
106 저널기사 Research and the Approval Process: The Organization of Persuasion 미리보기
Henry, Emeric; Ottaviani, Marco American Economic Association 2019
107 저널기사 Product Turnover and the Cost-of-Living Index: Quality versus Fashion Effects 미리보기
Ueda, Kozo; Watanabe, Kota; Watanabe, Tsutomu American Economic Association 2019
108 저널기사 Failure to Launch: Housing, Debt Overhang, and the Inflation Option 미리보기
Hedlund, Aaron American Economic Association 2019
109 저널기사 Reconsidering the Consequences of Worker Displacements: Firm versus Worker Perspective 미리보기
Flaaen, Aaron; Shapiro, Matthew D.; Sorkin, Isaac American Economic Association 2019
110 저널기사 The Dynamics of Discrimination: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Bohren, J. Aislinn; Imas, Alex; Rosenberg, Michael American Economic Association 2019
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