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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Subsidies and Time Discounting in New Technology Adoption: Evidence from Solar Photovoltaic Systems 미리보기
De Groote, Olivier; Verboven, Frank American Economic Association 2019
52 저널기사 What Can Be Learned from Spatial Economics? 미리보기
Proost, Stef; Thisse, Jacques-François American Economic Association] 2019
53 저널기사 Moscati, Ivan. Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics 미리보기
Read, Daniel American Economic Association] 2019
54 저널기사 Randomized Safety Inspections and Risk Exposure on the Job: Quasi-experimental Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life 미리보기
Lee, Jonathan M.; Taylor, Laura O. American Economic Association 2019
55 저널기사 Family Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes 미리보기
Autor, David; Figlio, David; Karbownik, Krzysztof; Roth, Jeffrey; Wasserman, Melanie American Economic Association 2019
56 저널기사 Regulating Markups in US Health Insurance 미리보기
Cicala, Steve; Lieber, Ethan M. J.; Marone, Victoria American Economic Association 2019
57 저널기사 Asset Bubbles and Global Imbalances 미리보기
Ikeda, Daisuke; Phan, Toan American Economic Association 2019
58 저널기사 Trust the Police? Self-Selection of Motivated Agents into the German Police Force 미리보기
Friebel, Guido; Kosfeld, Michael; Thielmann, Gerd American Economic Association 2019
59 저널기사 Tourism and Economic Development: Evidence from Mexico's Coastline 미리보기
Faber, Benjamin; Gaubert, Cecile American Economic Association 2019
60 저널기사 The Local Economic and Welfare Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing 미리보기
Bartik, Alexander W.; Currie, Janet; Greenstone, Michael; Knittel, Christopher R. American Economic Association 2019
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